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Service Sew in W/Joan

This month we will be hosting a service day to help Joan the Bag Lady make bags that the proceeds of which go to sending love in the way of care packages to veterans. We have the most AMAZING group of family that are disguised as customers and I know that we can make a BIG IMPACT as a group. Please join us on Thursday, February 13 from 10:30 am to 5 pm to help Joan work on her bags, assembly-line style. Joan will show us what she'd like us to do, we will have lunch as a group and we will enjoy serving a great cause together. It will surely be a good time! There is no cost, just your time, and you will receive a 20% discount for the day in thanks. Bring your machine and normal sewing supplies and your best work ethic... I can't wait to serve with you!

Serve through sewing.

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Seats available {{model.remainingSeats()}}



Included Materials



This class cannot be purchased online. Please contact the store for more information.